posted July 03 2023 by Jord

The sound of Munich 2.0
Remember when we teased you about our trip to Munich to attend the High End Audio Show from May 18 to 21? Well, we're back, and we had a blast! Our week was an exhilarating whirlwind of streamers, music, forging new connections, rekindling old friendships, and indulging in traditional Bavarian delights like beer and schnitzels. Now, it's time to tell you all about our unforgettable experiences!
The trip
Our High End adventure started on Monday morning. Our car was packed to the brim with streamers, banners and posters. Amidst all the essentials, there was just enough space for the three of us: Michel, Damian and Jord. Cruising down the German high way, we stopped for lunch and fueled up on warm sandwiches and steaming cups of coffee. As soon as we arrived in Munich, we traded our roadside fare for schnitzels and towering beer steins. The evening was dedicated to mingling with partners and fellow music enthusiasts, preparaing for the days to come.
The preparations
The next day, we made our way to the MOC event center to make preparations for High End. Walking through the venue, we couldn't help but marvel at its sheer size. Even though we had been there before, the experience still felt surreal. Imagining the MOC soon brimming with music aficionados was awe-inspiring. With no time to waste, we got down to business, setting up our gear. The next day, after finalizing our stalls and conducting soundchecks, we ventured out for dinner with around 30 colleagues. Sitting in a Greek restaurant, we found ourselves surrounded by a diverse group hailing from Spain, Canada, Israel, Belgium, Poland, and various other countries. The fusion of cultures made for an engaging night, filled with the forging of new friendships.
Thursday marked the start of the B2B fair. Our throats grew hoarse from chatting with distributors from all corners of the globe. We encountered numerous new faces, even meeting some of our longstanding distributors for the first time. Working with individuals from such distant countries is a reminder of the world's vastness. Events like this hold immense significance, as they bring us all together. In the evening, seeking respite from the constant socializing, we opted for a quiet dinner at a delightful Italian restaurant, just the three of us.
That breather turned out to be a wise decision. Friday turned out to be even busier than the day before, but it was an absolute joy to meet entrepreneurs who shared our passion. However, the true highlight was still ahead of us. You know, whenever we find ourselves in Munich, a visit to Augustiner Keller, the city's oldest and most enchanting biergarten becomes an absolute must. This gem of a biergarten set the stage for an unforgettable evening with a vibrant mix of cultures. As they say, what happens in Augustiner Keller, stays in Augustiner Keller.
Let's just say that by the time Saturday arrived, we weren't as fresh and energetic as we had hoped. The B2B fair gave way to the B2C portion of the event. Despite nursing a bit of a headache from the night before, we wouldn't have missed it for the world. After days of indulging in traditional German cuisine and copious amounts of beer, we yearned for something different. The three of us decided to treat ourselves to a haute cuisine dinner at Lonely Broccoli, accompanied by fine red wine and some much-needed rest. It was precisely what we needed after a whirlwind of exhilarating, yet exhausting, days.
The end
All good things must come to an end, including High End (what's in a name?). The final day was a whirlwind of activity, as everyone packed up their stalls and prepared to head home. However, it was also a poignant moment, filled with emotions. After spending a hectic week with such incredible people, sharing both joys and sorrows, it was time to bid farewell, uncertain of when we would meet again. But one thing is for certain: it's not a matter of if, but a matter of when.
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